All what we do, we do for social responsibility

We developed our programs, initiatives, and activities related to social responsibility. This aims to promote the ambitions and aspirations of Jordan Ahli Bank (ahli bank) to achieve a positive impact on the local communities. The Bank was successful in achieving its objective, through its contributions and initiatives, whether on an individual basis or on a collective basis, and through many effective partnerships with various civil society institutions. The bank also provided financial and non- financial assistance to aid a number of non-profit organizations. The initiatives we have selected are in line with our strategic pillars of social responsibility and cover: Community Empowerment, Education and Youth, The Environment, Social Innovation and Creativity, Art and Culture.
Community Empowerment
Within the framework of the partnership between the Bank and Naua for Sustainable Development, an initiative of Crown Prince Foundation, which aims to embed a culture of giving in society by linking donors with non-governmental organizations, and based on the Bank’s belief in the need to support national efforts to address societal challenges that effect on large sectors of society, the Bank provided its support to the Ministry of Health by supporting the “Together to Face Corona” campaign, which came as a result of the exceptional circumstances that Jordan is going through due to the Corona pandemic, in an effort to enhance the Ministry’s ability to combat the ramifications of this crisis. In solidarity with the affected families during the pandemic period, the Bank supported the “Daily laborers” initiative aimed at distributing food parcels to these families according to the distribution mechanism approved by the official authorities concerned to ensure parcels reach those most in need.
This year, the partnership with “SOS Children’s Villages Jordan” was embodied after sponsoring three families who live in the children’s villages to secure the requirements of a decent life for them, the Bank also provided its support for the campaign that was launched on the occasion of Mother’s Day to collect donations for the association, in addition to honoring surrogate mothers in Irbid village with village’s children in a festive atmosphere and entertainment activities.
The Bank continued its support to the Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans for the year 2020 by supporting the “Back to Universities” campaign, as an effort to secure the needs of orphaned youth who have recently joined the Fund’s programs, as well as the youth who are currently studying, to complete their university education or vocational training journey. The long-standing partnership that brings together ahli Bank and its employees with Al-Aman Fund has benefited 215 orphans from different governorates of the Kingdom and in a variety of university specialties, and this contribution comes as a result of its direct impact on qualifying them to become productive, positive members in their society and capable of creating sustainable livelihoods.
Within the strategic partnership with the Princess Taghrid Institute for Development and Training, the Bank continued to support the “Pure Felt” project, which was established in cooperation with the Bank in southern Jordan Valley/ Ghor Fifa four years ago, through the purchase of gifts from the project’s products to employees in honor for their efforts, especially their participation in voluntary activities. In 2019 the project helped 32 women develop new skills and contributed to their self-employment. In addition, we supported 10 women from various governorates to participate in the EWA (East and West Africa Women Initiative Forum) Village Market, which helped them to improve and grow their businesses, thus improving their income and the opportunities of their families.
For several years, we have continued our strategic cooperation with the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development to support the annual “Goodwill Campaign” and the Queen Alia Competition for Social Responsibility to increase awareness of topics affecting the community.
As in 2019, within our support to women, we completed our review on gender equity project of which ahli bank was the first in the banking sector in Jordan to conduct, the project executed by Freedom House (a US based human rights NGO). The “You Are My Role Model” campaign was launched, aimed at emphasizing the importance of women’s participation in the workforce and the impact of its contribution to sustainable development and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Working women are role models for everyone around them, and we at ahli bank are proud to be one of the leading banks in the field of gender. The national average of woman working in the national banking sector is 15%, yet ahli bank is proud to foster a female friendly environment, where females consistently represent 40% of the workforce.
The Bank also provided a Diamond Sponsorship for the “Women in the Board of Directors: Why and How?” Conference organized by Women on Board Association with a distinguished local and regional presence.
ahli bank believes in supporting young entrepreneurs, exemplified by having our Chairman Mr. Saad Mouasher serving at Endeavor Jordan’s Board of Directors after being a mentor for several years with them. Endeavor is focused on stimulating global entrepreneurial activity by providing mentorship to innovative founders based in emerging markets, present in nearly 40 markets. Endeavor Jordan’s portfolio has continued to grow, and the focus on building out an entrepreneur services framework began in earnest.
Education & Youth
Based on the positive results achieved by the Bank’s cooperation with Electronic Health Solutions since 2017, the Bank renewed its support for the fourth year in a row for the annual Hakeem Academy Competition, intending to foster entrepreneurial projects concerned with developing healthcare through technology, and thus enhancing the quality and efficiency of National E-Health Program in Jordan.
Keenness of the Bank to support various activities related to education and empowerment of students, especially in disadvantaged areas, with the aim of creating an exemplary educational environment that contributes to enhancing the life values, personal and intellectual skills of students, which will positively affect the educational outcomes, the Bank continued its support for the implementation of “Masahati” program under “Madrasati” initiative in Al-Nasr Secondary School for Girls, in which more than 200 students participated, as part of the strategic partnership with the Queen Rania Foundation for Education and Development, but in a different way this year, in line with the epidemiological situation in Jordan, where the idea of ”Masahati Clubs” was applied as a home based activities, using alternative technologies and the Internet, and providing students with bags containing interactive booklets, stationery, and all the necessary tools that have been designed in a distinct way that attract students to participate and complete remote activities, which have become a prerequisite for the success of the educational process in light of the exceptional circumstances that the Kingdom and the world are going through, which in turn has led to an acceleration of digital transformation in various sectors, especially the education sector. In addition to holding many workshops to support and train teachers on how to get over this stage effectively and efficiently. The program has gained wide participation from ahli Bank employees during the implementation of workshops in various fields, including arts, handicrafts, English language remedial lessons, and others. As well as maintenance and renovation of the school’s playground and garden. In addition to proceeding with the support for the interactive educational Bank exhibit in Children’s Museum Jordan, which aims to enhance financial literacy and its applications among children since 2007.
In 2019 ahli bank also sponsored the Princess Alia Foundation’s School Bags Campaign, which involved distributing school bags to students across various governorates of the Kingdom.
In addition, under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein, ahli bank supported the second West Asian Paralympic Games, with the participation of 12 countries.
For the fourth year, the Bank continues to support children by supporting 1000 students to visit the Haya Cultural Center and participate in various cultural and artistic events and programs.In 2019, and for the sixth consecutive year, ahli bank sponsored the annual Wings of Hope basketball championship for students. The event was organized by the Wings of Hope Association, with the participation of several basketball teams from less fortunate schools in Jordan and Lebanon.In our commitments towards financial literacy and education, we continued with “Hasalet Al Khair- Piggy Bank for Philanthropy” initiative. The initiative aims to develop principles of savings amongst children, further educating them about financial management and promoting a culture of giving.
The Environment
In terms of environmental sustainability, the Bank’s continuous support since 2016 for the Green Caravan program of the Arab Group for the Protection of
Nature has contributed to addressing the environmental, as well as economic and social needs of local communities by planting more than 40 dunums of fruit-bearing trees on lands owned by destitute families, which in its turn contributes to the absorption of 35 tons annually of carbon dioxide from the air. Besides that, achieving food security for beneficiary families. The project generates an annual income that ranges between 4000-6000 JOD per family, earned from the sale of surplus crops.
In the same context, the Bank continued its support for the third year in a row for the “Green Prints” initiative, which launched by Princess Alia Foundation to recycle paper and providing government schools with their needs for free.
In 2019 the Bank supported the second phase of ‘Home Gardens’ project, organized by Naua, an initiative of Crown Prince Foundation. Since 2018, the total number of beneficiaries of this project were 20 families in total.

Social Innovation & Creativity
The ahli Bank organized an awareness campaign, in cooperation with King Hussein Cancer Foundation, under the name ” Still Up to the Challenge”, on the occasion of World Cancer Day, and within the framework of the strategic partnership with the foundation, the campaign included many activities for employees and their families, to spread awareness among the Jordanian community of the importance of following a healthy lifestyle and motivating them to adopt it to prevent diseases. Moreover, continuing to support the “Cancer Care Program” by harnessing all the Bank’s branches in all governorates of the Kingdom to welcome those wishing to join the program and by collecting subscription fees, from both customers and non-customers, with the possibility of installments for the Bank’s customers. In 2019 our employees proudly participated in KHCF’s “Piggy Bank Campaign” during the Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Within the framework of strategic cooperation with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization since 2016, through the clothes collection bus granted by the Bank to collect in-kind donations to support underprivileged families throughout Jordan, ahli Bank continued its support to the Charity Clothing Bank, also offering indirect support through cash fundraising boxes placed in various branches, as well as for King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans. In line with the Bank’s strategy for social responsibility and sustainability, which in turn focuses on serving the community, the Bank organized the annual blood donation campaign, through the internal volunteering program, in cooperation with the National Blood Bank and under its supervision in order to secure the Blood Bank with units to compensate the shortage and its need after the lockdown period that coincided with Corona pandemic crisis. The campaign, which lasted for three consecutive days, witnessed wide participation of the Bank’s employees and customers, in addition to residents of the surrounding area, and within strict health measures. For the third year in a row, we renewed our partnership with Tkiyet um Ali by sponsoring food requirements for 100 families in need across different governorates of the Kingdom, year-round. In addition to this, we also support Tkiyet Um Ali’s initiative to distribute food parcels during the Holy month of Ramadan. We ensure continuous cooperation with the Palestine International Foundation to provide monetary assistance to our people in Palestine to meet their different medical needs
Arts & Culture
ahli bank supported the activities of the Petra National Trust, including the inauguration of a cultural hub called ‘Bait Yaish’ in Jabal Al-Weibdeh. The hub has become a destination for hosting cultural and artistic events with the aim of celebrating and enhancing the cultural heritage in Jordan.
Strategic Partnership with Princess Taghrid Institute for Development and Training
ahli bank signed a partnership agreement with Princess Taghrid Institute for Development and Training in 2016. The activities of this partnership aim to establish productive and training projects in an effort to empower women socially and economically. Such activities were presented in an exhibition that showcased the production of the “Pure Felt” project, which was funded by ahli bank in addition to taking care of its operational expenses until the project becomes sustainable through the sale of the project’s products. The institute was able to provide 26 opportunities for women in the Southern Jordan Valley Region (Fifa Ghor). The institute held its first graduation ceremony for the healthcare program carried out by the institute targeting families who don’t receive healthcare such as orphans, in-house caregiving. Such services are supported by the strategic partnership in addition to supporting kitchen productions.
Supporting “Paint for Peace” project
For the purpose of reaching out more students in public schools across all governorates, in the year 2018 ahli bank supported the Mobile Museum project under the name of “Paint for Peace”, organized by the National Museum through Naua for Sustainable Development, an initiative of Crown Prince Foundation. The Project aims to focus on several social issues such as violence and its negative impact on students who can be easily influenced at this age, as well as providing a safe space for them to express themselves through art, which in its turn results a positive impact on students especially in fighting violence. 350 students benefited from this project.
Sponsoring the Royal Society of Fine Arts “Mobile Museum”
In the year 2015 the bank supported the Mobile Museum project, which is a pioneering project at the level of Jordan and the Arab world that includes artistic workshops, lectures by artists and specialized academics, in addition to exhibitions of artworks from the National Museum collection in order to display the museum’s artifacts, including paintings, books and publications. The launch of the project comes in an effort to enhance awareness of fine art culture, by reaching different areas around the Kingdom, targeting students and youth who didn’t get the chance to visit the museum in Amman, as well as contributing to make a positive changes through intellectual, cultural and artistic development, bridging the gap between art and people, also delivering art to a largest segment, in addition to promoting an interest in art among local youth, breaking the mold of the traditional classroom learning methodology by encouraging creativity and innovation in students.
Supporting the "Let’s Read” Initiative in cooperation with STEPS
In the year 2015, we provided our support to the “Let’s Read” Initiative in cooperation with STEPS, in the aim of encouraging the Kingdom’s younger generations to cultivate and embrace a passion for reading and sharing knowledge. The initiative was conducted through a series of activities and was supported by the voluntary participation of ahli bank employees. Activities were held at the Bala’ma Special Education Society, and Al Bireh Association in the Ira and Yarqa regions of Salt. A large collection of children’s books was provided to both societies.
All what we do, we do for social responsibility

We developed our programs, initiatives, and activities related to social responsibility. This aims to promote the ambitions and aspirations of Jordan Ahli Bank (ahli bank) to achieve a positive impact on the local communities. The Bank was successful in achieving its objective, through its contributions and initiatives, whether on an individual basis or on a collective basis, and through many effective partnerships with various civil society institutions. The bank also provided financial and non- financial assistance to aid a number of non-profit organizations. The initiatives we have selected are in line with our strategic pillars of social responsibility and cover: Community Empowerment, Education and Youth, The Environment, Social Innovation and Creativity, Art and Culture.
Community Empowerment
Within the framework of the partnership between the Bank and Naua for Sustainable Development, an initiative of Crown Prince Foundation, which aims to embed a culture of giving in society by linking donors with non-governmental organizations, and based on the Bank’s belief in the need to support national efforts to address societal challenges that effect on large sectors of society, the Bank provided its support to the Ministry of Health by supporting the “Together to Face Corona” campaign, which came as a result of the exceptional circumstances that Jordan is going through due to the Corona pandemic, in an effort to enhance the Ministry’s ability to combat the ramifications of this crisis. In solidarity with the affected families during the pandemic period, the Bank supported the “Daily laborers” initiative aimed at distributing food parcels to these families according to the distribution mechanism approved by the official authorities concerned to ensure parcels reach those most in need.
This year, the partnership with “SOS Children’s Villages Jordan” was embodied after sponsoring three families who live in the children’s villages to secure the requirements of a decent life for them, the Bank also provided its support for the campaign that was launched on the occasion of Mother’s Day to collect donations for the association, in addition to honoring surrogate mothers in Irbid village with village’s children in a festive atmosphere and entertainment activities.
The Bank continued its support to the Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans for the year 2020 by supporting the “Back to Universities” campaign, as an effort to secure the needs of orphaned youth who have recently joined the Fund’s programs, as well as the youth who are currently studying, to complete their university education or vocational training journey. The long-standing partnership that brings together ahli Bank and its employees with Al-Aman Fund has benefited 215 orphans from different governorates of the Kingdom and in a variety of university specialties, and this contribution comes as a result of its direct impact on qualifying them to become productive, positive members in their society and capable of creating sustainable livelihoods.
Within the strategic partnership with the Princess Taghrid Institute for Development and Training, the Bank continued to support the “Pure Felt” project, which was established in cooperation with the Bank in southern Jordan Valley/ Ghor Fifa four years ago, through the purchase of gifts from the project’s products to employees in honor for their efforts, especially their participation in voluntary activities. In 2019 the project helped 32 women develop new skills and contributed
Within the framework of the partnership between the Bank and Naua for Sustainable Development, an initiative of Crown Prince Foundation, which aims to embed a culture of giving in society by linking donors with non-governmental organizations, and based on the Bank’s belief in the need to support national efforts to address societal challenges that effect on large sectors of society, the Bank provided its support to the Ministry of Health by supporting the “Together to Face Corona” campaign, which came as a result of the exceptional circumstances that Jordan is going through due to the Corona pandemic, in an effort to enhance the Ministry’s ability to combat the ramifications of this crisis. In solidarity with the affected families during the pandemic period, the Bank supported the “Daily laborers” initiative aimed at distributing food parcels to these families according to the distribution mechanism approved by the official authorities concerned to ensure parcels reach those most in need.
This year, the partnership with “SOS Children’s Villages Jordan” was embodied after sponsoring three families who live in the children’s villages to secure the requirements of a decent life for them, the Bank also provided its support for the campaign that was launched on the occasion of Mother’s Day to collect donations for the association, in addition to honoring surrogate mothers in Irbid village with village’s children in a festive atmosphere and entertainment activities.
The Bank continued its support to the Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans for the year 2020 by supporting the “Back to Universities” campaign, as an effort to secure the needs of orphaned youth who have recently joined the Fund’s programs, as well as the youth who are currently studying, to complete their university education or vocational training journey. The long-standing partnership that brings together ahli Bank and its employees with Al-Aman Fund has benefited 215 orphans from different governorates of the Kingdom and in a variety of university specialties, and this contribution comes as a result of its direct impact on qualifying them to become productive, positive members in their society and capable of creating sustainable livelihoods.
Within the strategic partnership with the Princess Taghrid Institute for Development and Training, the Bank continued to support the “Pure Felt” project, which was established in cooperation with the Bank in southern Jordan Valley/ Ghor Fifa four years ago, through the purchase of gifts from the project’s products to employees in honor for their efforts, especially their participation in voluntary activities. In 2019 the project helped 32 women develop new skills and contributed to their self-employment. In addition, we supported 10 women from various governorates to participate in the EWA (East and West Africa Women Initiative Forum) Village Market, which helped them to improve and grow their businesses, thus improving their income and the opportunities of their families.
For several years, we have continued our strategic cooperation with the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development to support the annual “Goodwill Campaign” and the Queen Alia Competition for Social Responsibility to increase awareness of topics affecting the community.
As in 2019, within our support to women, we completed our review on gender equity project of which ahli bank was the first in the banking sector in Jordan to conduct, the project executed by Freedom House (a US based human rights NGO). The “You Are My Role Model” campaign was launched, aimed at emphasizing the importance of women’s participation in the workforce and the impact of its contribution to sustainable development and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Working women are role models for everyone around them, and we at ahli bank are proud to be one of the leading banks in the field of gender. The national average of woman working in the national banking sector is 15%, yet ahli bank is proud to foster a female friendly environment, where females consistently represent 40% of the workforce.
The Bank also provided a Diamond Sponsorship for the “Women in the Board of Directors: Why and How?” Conference organized by Women on Board Association with a distinguished local and regional presence.
ahli bank believes in supporting young entrepreneurs, exemplified by having our Chairman Mr. Saad Mouasher serving at Endeavor Jordan’s Board of Directors after being a mentor for several years with them. Endeavor is focused on stimulating global entrepreneurial activity by providing mentorship to innovative founders based in emerging markets, present in nearly 40 markets. Endeavor Jordan’s portfolio has continued to grow, and the focus on building out an entrepreneur services framework began in earnest.
Education & Youth
Based on the positive results achieved by the Bank’s cooperation with Electronic Health Solutions since 2017, the Bank renewed its support for the fourth year in a row for the annual Hakeem Academy Competition, intending to foster entrepreneurial projects concerned with developing healthcare through technology, and thus enhancing the quality and efficiency of National E-Health Program in Jordan.
Keenness of the Bank to support various activities related to education and empowerment of students, especially in disadvantaged areas, with the aim of creating an exemplary educational environment that contributes to enhancing the life values, personal and intellectual skills of students, which will positively affect the educational outcomes, the Bank continued its support for the implementation of “Masahati” program under “Madrasati” initiative in Al-Nasr Secondary School for Girls, in which more than 200 students participated, as part of the strategic partnership with the Queen Rania Foundation for Education and Development, but in a different way this year, in line with the epidemiological situation in Jordan, where the idea of ”Masahati Clubs” was applied as a home based activities, using alternative technologies and the Internet, and providing students with bags containing interactive booklets, stationery, and all the necessary tools that have been designed in a distinct way that attract students to participate and complete remote activities, which have become a prerequisite for the success of the educational process in light of the exceptional circumstances that the Kingdom and the world are going through, which in turn has led to an acceleration of digital transformation in various sectors, especially the education sector. In addition to holding many workshops to support and train teachers on how to get over this stage effectively and efficiently. The program has gained wide participation from ahli Bank employees during the implementation of workshops in various fields, including arts, handicrafts, English language remedial lessons, and others. As well as maintenance and renovation of the school’s playground and garden. In addition to proceeding with the support for the interactive educational Bank exhibit in Children’s Museum Jordan, which aims to enhance financial literacy and its applications among children since 2007.
In 2019 ahli bank also sponsored the Princess Alia Foundation’s School Bags Campaign, which involved distributing school bags to students across various governorates of the Kingdom.
In addition, under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein, ahli bank supported the second West Asian Paralympic Games, with the participation of 12 countries.
For the fourth year, the Bank continues to support children by supporting 1000 students to visit the Haya Cultural Center and participate in various cultural and artistic events and programs.
In 2019, and for the sixth consecutive year, ahli bank sponsored the annual Wings of Hope basketball championship for students. The event was organized by the Wings of Hope Association, with the participation of several basketball teams from less fortunate schools in Jordan and Lebanon.
In 2019, and for the sixth consecutive year, ahli bank sponsored the annual Wings of Hope basketball championship for students. The event was organized by the Wings of Hope Association, with the participation of several basketball teams from less fortunate schools in Jordan and Lebanon.
The Environment
In terms of environmental sustainability, the Bank’s continuous support since 2016 for the Green Caravan program of the Arab Group for the Protection of Nature has contributed to addressing the environmental, as well as economic and social needs of local communities by planting more than 40 dunums of fruit-bearing trees on lands owned by destitute families, which in its turn contributes to the absorption of 35 tons annually of carbon dioxide from the air. Besides that, achieving food security for beneficiary families. The project generates an annual income that ranges between 4000-6000 JOD per family, earned from the sale of surplus crops.
In the same context, the Bank continued its support for the third year in a row for the “Green Prints” initiative, which launched by Princess Alia Foundation to recycle paper and providing government schools with their needs for free.
In 2019 the Bank supported the second phase of ‘Home Gardens’ project, organized by Naua, an initiative of Crown Prince Foundation. Since 2018, the total number of beneficiaries of this project were 20 families in total.

Social Innovation & Creativity
The ahli Bank organized an awareness campaign, in cooperation with King Hussein Cancer Foundation, under the name ” Still Up to the Challenge”, on the occasion of World Cancer Day, and within the framework of the strategic partnership with the foundation, the campaign included many activities for employees and their families, to spread awareness among the Jordanian community of the importance of following a healthy lifestyle and motivating them to adopt it to prevent diseases. Moreover, continuing to support the “Cancer Care Program” by harnessing all the Bank’s branches in all governorates of the Kingdom to welcome those wishing to join the program and by collecting subscription fees, from both customers and non-customers, with the possibility of installments for the Bank’s customers.
In 2019 our employees proudly participated in KHCF’s “Piggy Bank Campaign” during the Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Within the framework of strategic cooperation with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization since 2016, through the clothes collection bus granted by the Bank to collect in-kind donations to support underprivileged families throughout Jordan, ahli Bank continued its support to the Charity Clothing Bank, also offering indirect support through cash fundraising boxes placed in various branches, as well as for King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Al-Aman Fund for the Future of Orphans.
In line with the Bank’s strategy for social responsibility and sustainability, which in turn focuses on serving the community, the Bank organized the annual blood donation campaign, through the internal volunteering program, in cooperation with the National Blood Bank and under its supervision in order to secure the Blood Bank with units to compensate the shortage and its need after the lockdown period that coincided with Corona pandemic crisis. The campaign, which lasted for three consecutive days, witnessed wide participation of the Bank’s employees and customers, in addition to residents of the surrounding area, and within strict health measures.
For the third year in a row, we renewed our partnership with Tkiyet um Ali by sponsoring food requirements for 100 families in need across different governorates of the Kingdom, year-round. In addition to this, we also support Tkiyet Um Ali’s initiative to distribute food parcels during the Holy month of Ramadan.
We ensure continuous cooperation with the Palestine International Foundation to provide monetary assistance to our people in Palestine to meet their different medical needs.
Arts & Culture
ahli bank supported the activities of the Petra National Trust, including the inauguration of a cultural hub called ‘Bait Yaish’ in Jabal Al-Weibdeh. The hub has become a destination for hosting cultural and artistic events with the aim of celebrating and enhancing the cultural heritage in Jordan.
Strategic Partnership with Princess Taghrid Institute for Development and Training
ahli bank signed a partnership agreement with Princess Taghrid Institute for Development and Training in 2016. The activities of this partnership aim to establish productive and training projects in an effort to empower women socially and economically. Such activities were presented in an exhibition that showcased the production of the “Pure Felt” project, which was funded by ahli bank in addition to taking care of its operational expenses until the project becomes sustainable through the sale of the project’s products. The institute was able to provide 26 opportunities for women in the Southern Jordan Valley Region (Fifa Ghor). The institute held its first graduation ceremony for the healthcare program carried out by the institute targeting families who don’t receive healthcare such as orphans, in-house caregiving. Such services are supported by the strategic partnership in addition to supporting kitchen productions.
Supporting “Paint for Peace” project
For the purpose of reaching out more students in public schools across all governorates, in the year 2018 ahli bank supported the Mobile Museum project under the name of “Paint for Peace”, organized by the National Museum through Naua for Sustainable Development, an initiative of Crown Prince Foundation. The Project aims to focus on several social issues such as violence and its negative impact on students who can be easily influenced at this age, as well as providing a safe space for them to express themselves through art, which in its turn results a positive impact on students especially in fighting violence. 350 students benefited from this project.
Sponsoring the Royal Society of Fine Arts “Mobile Museum”
In the year 2015 the bank supported the Mobile Museum project, which is a pioneering project at the level of Jordan and the Arab world that includes artistic workshops, lectures by artists and specialized academics, in addition to exhibitions of artworks from the National Museum collection in order to display the museum’s artifacts, including paintings, books and publications. The launch of the project comes in an effort to enhance awareness of fine art culture, by reaching different areas around the Kingdom, targeting students and youth who didn’t get the chance to visit the museum in Amman, as well as contributing to make a positive changes through intellectual, cultural and artistic development, bridging the gap between art and people, also delivering art to a largest segment, in addition to promoting an interest in art among local youth, breaking the mold of the traditional classroom learning methodology by encouraging creativity and innovation in students.
Supporting the "Let’s Read” Initiative in cooperation with STEPS
In the year 2015, we provided our support to the “Let’s Read” Initiative in cooperation with STEPS, in the aim of encouraging the Kingdom’s younger generations to cultivate and embrace a passion for reading and sharing knowledge. The initiative was conducted through a series of activities and was supported by the voluntary participation of ahli bank employees. Activities were held at the Bala’ma Special Education Society, and Al Bireh Association in the Ira and Yarqa regions of Salt. A large collection of children’s books was provided to both societies.