Get a Credit Card this summer with the amount of your salary without salary transfer
Have you issued a credit card from another bank?
No need to cancel it; Now you can issue another card from ahli bank with the same amount of your current card without salary transfer.
If you want to issue a new Credit Card for the first time, your monthly salary should not be less than 1000 JOD.
If you already have Credit Cards from other banks, your monthly salary should not be less than 500 JOD, and we will issue you a credit card with a limit equivalent to the highest limit of your cards.
Enjoy your summer with our credit cards promotion !
* This offer is available to the public and private sectors and retirees.
- Possibility to obtain a Credit Card with the amount of your salary, or equivalent to the highest amount of your cards issued by other banks.
- Salary transfer is not required.
- Card’s debt is not calculated.
- Salary not less than 1000 JOD for new cards.
- Salary not less than 500 JOD for Cardholders issued by other banks.
- Experience not less than one year at your current work.