

Install your purchases at0% interestusing your ID only! 

  • What is “Taqseet” program?

The Social Security institute offers a service that allows retirees to pay for their purchases over time at 0% percent interest and without commissions at merchants who participate in the program, using only their personal identification card.

  • Who are the program’s beneficiaries?

All Jordanian Social Security Corporation retirees.

  • What are the required documents?

The identification card only!

What are the minimum and maximum limits for each installment service purchase?

    • minimum: 10 JOD
    • Maximum: based on the retirement salary
  • What is the maximum term for repayment?

varies according to what each authorized dealer in the service determines.

Are you a merchant who wishes to join the family of approved merchants in the “Taqseet” program and benefit from Jordan Ahli Bank’s financing solutions?

For more info, call our contact center available 24/7 at 065007777 

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