
Jordan Ahli Bank launches its blood donation campaign under the slogan

Jordan Ahli Bank launches its blood donation campaign under the slogan

“Donating blood is an act of solidarity… Join the effort and save lives”

Coinciding with World Blood Donor Day, and within its social responsibility, Jordan Ahli Bank organized its annual blood donation campaign in cooperation with and under the supervision of the National Blood Bank, intending to raise awareness of the importance of donating blood to save the lives of others.

This campaign came as part of a series of initiatives implemented by the bank, through which it is keen to be at the forefront of initiators in community service, it witnessed a remarkable turnout by the bank’s employees from various job levels, in addition to the participation of customers who happened to be at the bank, and were keen to participate in response to the campaign and its objectives. The campaign contributed to reaching 162 people who were in dire need of blood to improve their quality of life, as this indicates the strength of cohesion and solidarity among all members of our society.

Commenting on this, the CEO/General Manager of Ahli Bank, Mohammad Musa Daoud, expressed his thanks to all the employees and participants in this campaign for their important and noble role by donating blood and contributing to saving the lives of others who are in urgent need, and added: “We keep organizing this campaign periodically and continuously because we believe that the provision of sustainable blood services plays a crucial role in ensuring the health of society and strengthening the health system in the Kingdom, as well as consolidating a culture of volunteer work and promoting the values ​​of humanitarian giving.”

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