Conditions and Instructions for Subscription to Electronic Banking Services (Ahli online, Ahli phone, Ahli SMS. Ahli mobile. debit cards): |
1. The Customer waives any right of recourse against the Bank of any liability resulting from any loss or damage that may be inflicted upon him/her as a result of his /her adherence to these Conditions and Instructions, or as a result of his/her abuse of the Service without clarifying reasons. |
2. The Bank has the right to -without giving any reasons and without being held liable – reject the Customer’s request for subscription to the Service. |
3.In case the Bank approves the Customer’s request to subscribe to the Service, the Bank shall provide the Customer with an identification code (Customer ID), as well as a sealed envelope containing the Customer’s PIN Code. |
4.Immediately after receiving the items mentioned in Paragraph (3) above, the Customer shall make sure that the envelope is tightly sealed; if otherwise, the Customer should immediately report the case to the branch, which handles his/her account(s). This also applies in case of the envelope containing the Pin Code has been lost or stolen before use. Furthermore, the Bank shall not be held liable in case Customer did not comply with the afore-mentioned procedures, the Customer solely shall be held liable for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her ID and PIN Code. |
5.The Customer confirms that all transactions concluded thorough his/her ID and PIN Code have been carried out by himself/herself and that, when used as evidence, such transactions shall have the power of official documents. The Customer also confirms that the Bank shall not be held responsible as a result of any transaction concluded through this Service, irrespective of its type or source, if the transaction has been duly executed in accordance with the Conditions and the Customer ID. |
6.In case the Pin Code (if existing) has been entered erroneously three consecutive times or according to the bank’s approved policy in trying to access the Ahli Online service and Ahli Mobile service, the relevant service will be suspended temporarily. The Customer should then refer to his/her Branch in order to reactivate the service. |
7. In case the Customer finds out that his/her ID and PIN Code have been detected by any other person, he/she shall immediately inform the Bank in writing. Moreover, the Customer shall be held liable for all the transactions concluded through his/her ID and PIN Code up to the end of business day that follows the day of receiving the Customer’s written notification. The Electronic Services could be granted to all Types of (Minor, Custody, Interdiction) according to approved internal policy, or if the Customer was incapacitated, illiterate or blind, noting that the Bank will grant the guardian/custodian the powers of inquiry only through all electronic services on the guardianship accounts of the minor/the guardianship of the adult and on the accounts of the guardianship as well. |
8. The Bank shall not be held liable for any losses sustained by the Customer or any other party and resulting from entering the debited / credited account numbers erroneously by the Customer. The Customer alone shall be held liable for verifying the account numbers and the Customer indemnify and hold the Bank harmless of any liability resulting there from. |
9. The Customer agrees to accept deposits and money transfers credited to the account by a third party unless he/she submits a written request rejecting such deposits or transfers. |
10. The Bank shall not be held liable for any damages sustained by the Customer and resulting from failure of communication networks or weak transmission / reception. Furthermore, the Bank shall not be held liable for any deliberate damage caused by piracy acts against the Customer’s computer. |
11. The Bank may, without giving reasons or prior notice, temporarily suspend, and / or deny, or cancel the Service. |
12. The Bank may, at any time and without prior notice, amend or change and/or add, and/or cancel any of the services provided as part of this Service or the software used therein. |
13. In case the Customer requests a cheque book through the Service, the Bank may approve or reject the request. In case of approval, the Customer shall authorize the Bank to debit the fees to his / her account(s). The Customer shall then refer to his / her branch to duly receive the cheque book. |
14. The Customer shall be committed not to exceed the daily limit of money transfers or the actual balance available in his / her accounts as per the Bank’s instructions to this effect; otherwise, the transfer request shall be considered nullified without any liability on the Bank resulting of non-execution of the transfer. |
15. The process of sending notices about the operations carried out by electronic means governed by the laws and regulations in force, while the Customer cannot cancel an order issued through the Service. Such transactions shall be regarded as having been actually executed with the approval of the Customer. |
16. It is understood to the Customer that this subscription automatically includes all services provided by the Bank, or according to the approved Bank’s policy that might be changed upon the economic circumstances and/or Customer type and/or Customer’s credit classification, and if the Customer is willing not to use or cancel any of the services a written request should be submitted of to the Bank. |
17. Customer acknowledges that sending the text message is considered a legal notification to him / her about the transactions on his account(s), in case of sending a text message the Bank shall not be liable to inform the Customer of the transaction by a written notice. Furthermore, sending the message from the Bank would be considered as a final binding notification, the Customer and waives any right of objection concerning but not limited to the non-delivered l messages for any reason whatsoever such as the phone was switched off / or disconnected and / or disabled and / or not read by him. |
18.In case of a joint account, where account holders wish to access Electronic Service, the following Conditions shall be required: A. If only one person is authorized as signatory of the joint account, he / she shall approve subscription to this Service. B. If the account is managed by more than one person jointly, they shall all sign the application for subscription to the Service and the PIN Code shall be issued and given to one of them up on written and signed authorization from all authorized persons admitting this request; any transaction carried out by using the PIN Code shall be considered as valid and approved by the account holders, who may not countermand or object the said transaction. C. If the account is managed by more than one person jointly and /or severally, any of the severally authorized signatories may apply for subscription to this service and may receive the PIN Code, in which case the other partners shall be considered as having implicitly agreed to the subscription. |
19. If the account was a corporate account and an order to access electronic services was received, the following Conditions shall be observed: A. If only one person is authorized as signatory of the Company account, he / she shall approve subscription to this Service. B. If the account is managed by more than one person administratively and financially jointly and /or severally, they shall all sign the application for subscription to the Service and the PIN Code shall be issued and given to one of them up on written signed authorization from all authorized persons admitting that; any transaction carried out by using the PIN Code shall be considered as valid and approved by the account holders, who may not countermand or object the said transaction. |
20. The Customer concedes that the Bank’s entries and records are correct and shall be regarded as irrefutable and binding evidence, which may not be appealed or opposed. Furthermore, the Customer shall waive his / her right to request the Bank to undertake a “decisive oath”, and /or produce its books and accounts before any court, and / or request an accounting expert opinion on the matter. |
21. The Customer acknowledges that all types of electronic transactions relevant to banking transactions are correct and accepted as an evidence against the Customer, and shall not be rebuttable in whatever mean, therefore the Customer irrevocably and finally waive his right to appeal against or contest the same in future. however it shall be understood to the Customer that electronic transactions, and, without limitation, data, texts, images, shapes, symbols, sounds, data bases, computer software, in addition to the process of electronic data exchange, which shall also include data message, electronic registry, electronic contract, and electronic signature, including the data processing system and fax, telex, electronic mail messages, and the Customer accepts that the mere dispatch of the Customer of a data massage shall be considered a conclusive evidence of the Customer receipt thereof, and the same shall be considered effective against the same. |
22. The Bank shall not be obliged to issue any notifications of the executed transactions, and the Customer cannot cancel any order through the service, and such transactions shall be considered made with the approval of the Customer. |
23. Suspension of banking services generally takes place form the Customer in case a precautionary attachment was applied on the account. |
24. A) Electronic service shall not be issued for Customers listed on the blacklists notwithstanding whether the opened account with us is for an individual, for individual institution, for a company, or for a juridical person. B) Electronic services are not issued to incapacitated individuals. However, in the cases where the service is issued on guardianship accounts, custodian accounts or for the benefit of such accounts, Bank’s internal policy, terms and condition are applied in this regard, and the legal guardian/custodian shall bear full responsibility. C) Electronic services are issued to Customers with disabilities according to the Bank’s terms, conditions and its internal policy, including instruction issued by the Central Bank of Jordan in this regard. |
25. The Customer acknowledges, in case an SMS is sent by the Bank in error, that the Bank shall not bear responsibility for damages or any other responsibility in such case. |
26. The Bank shall not bear any liability in the event of suspension of or inconsistency of the service or accuracy of the data. |
27. The Bank has the right to stop any service (s) provided to the Customer in the event of suspicion in the orders received or transactions conducted by the Customer using his Card(s) or Internet or Phone Banking or any other manner of communications or in the event of suspicion of hacking even if the Bank uses the applicable security manners for protection against cyber security risks related to (phone/ mobile phone / internet), Bank shall not bear responsibility for damages may arise as results of occurring such these risks, in case of using the relative services that she/he desired, the Customer will be solely responsible in this regard. |
28. The Customer authorizes the Bank to debit any of his accounts with all fees, commissions resulting from using any of the electronic services. |
29. SMS Alert service contains sending informative massages about services or products the Bank offers or any other information the Bank decides to send without any liability on his part to Customer through his mobile phone. |