Last updated on: 27 February, 2021 12:00:00 (UTC +02:00) Amman
Unless the context indicates otherwise, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them hereunder:
- Account: means the bank account which the customer holds with the bank.
- Alerts: means text messages (SMS) sent to the customer on his/her mobile number which is registered with the bank and/or notifications sent to the Customer on the Digital Channels and/or emails sent to customer on his/her email address which is registered with the bank, or any other electronic means that the bank would like to introduce in the future for the purposes of sending alerts to the customer.
- Bank: means Jordan Ahli Bank.
- Beneficiary: the holder of the account to which the customer makes a transfer or the holder of an account that otherwise benefits from a transaction which is effected via the Digital Channel Services.
- Card-less Transactions: means transactions effected by a customer through Automated Teller Machines (ATM) services without the customer’s use of a physical debit and/or credit card.
- Customer: means any natural person who is a customer of the Bank who has enrolled in the Bank’s Digital Channel Services. For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions, “Customer” shall also include any person authorized by the Customer to use and effect transactions through the said Digital Channel Services.
- Device: means the device which the Customer uses to access the Digital Channel Services and which may include but is not limited to a mobile phone, laptop, smart devices, or any other similar devices that enable the Customer to access the Digital Channel Services described herein.
- Digital Biometric Recognition Data: means the technological means available on the Customer’s Device for recognizing the Customer and verifying his/her ID and thus allowing him/her access to the relevant Device, including but not limited to facial and finger print recognition (i.e. touch ID).
- Digital Channels Services or “Services”: means any service which the Bank offers to its Customers through the Bank’s mobile banking application or its online banking service, ATM and all other digital channels which the Bank is introducing or may introduce from time to time and which shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions irrespective of the date on which they are introduced. “Service” shall be construed accordingly.
- External Transfer: means any transfer of money from any of the Customer’s Accounts to the ultimate destination of the Beneficiary whose account is with a bank other than the Bank.
- Financial Transactions: means transfers between the Customer’s Accounts, local transfers, bill payments, credit card payments, any means and/or actions which result in the exchange and/or transfer of money between two or more parties and which the Customer may carry out via the Services. The said Financial Transactions shall include any other electronic service that the Bank may introduce in the Future which might have a financial impact on the Customer’s Account(s). “Financial Transaction” shall be construed accordingly.
- Inquiry Transactions: means transactions which include accounts balance inquiry, loan details inquiry, debit/credit/prepaid card inquiry, bill inquiries and/or any kind of inquiry including but not limited to any inquiry pertaining to Financial Transactions and Transfers which the Customer can make via the Services. The said Inquiry Transactions shall include any other service that the Bank may add in the future. “Inquiry Transaction” shall be construed accordingly.
- Internal Transfers: means money transfers between Customer’s own Accounts or between the Accounts of the Customer and other customers of the Bank.
- PIN: means the Customer’s Personal Identity Number which relates to the Customer’s debit/credit card and/or which the Customer sets up in order to access the Digital Channel Services as set out herein.
- Self-Enrollment: means the means available to the Customer which he/she can use in order to enroll in the Digital Channel Services whether by way of using the Customer’s debit card and its PIN or by entering the Customer’s personal details, such as date of birth, national number, Customer ID, or account number and/or any such means as may become available in the future.
- Terms and Conditions: means these terms and conditions which govern the use of the Digital Channel Services and as same may be amended from time to time.
- Transactions: means transactions that are carried out and/or effected by the Customer via the Services, including but not limited to, Transfers, Financial Transactions and Inquiry Transactions. “Transaction” shall be construed accordingly.
- Transfer: means an Internal and/or an External Transfer and/or any other transfer services that the Bank may add in the future.
- The Customer understands that any action and/or Transaction effected by him/her through the Services will be deemed duly authorized by the said Customer and the Bank shall not in any form or manner be responsible for verifying same nor can it be held liable in connection with any such actions and/or Transactions. The Customer understands he/she shall bear any, all and full responsibility for any acts and omission which occur in connection with the Services as of the time the Customer enrolls in same. The Customer waives his/her right to object to such actions and/or Transactions and shall hold the Bank, its affiliates, directors, shareholders, and employees harmless against any claims, liability, fees, and/or expenses which the Bank or any of the said parties may incur in the event that any such actions and/or Transactions are not in fact authorized by the Customer.
- The Customer waives any right of recourse against the Bank in relation to any loss or damage which he/she may incur as a result of his/her adherence to these Terms and Conditions or as a result of his/her use and/or misuse of the Services. The Customer agrees and undertakes to defend and hold the Bank, its affiliates, employees, shareholders and directors harmless against any loss and/or damage which be incurred by any of the said parties as a result of the Customer’s use and/or misuse of the Services.
- The Bank has the right (without giving any reasons and without incurring any liability whatsoever) to reject the Customer’s request to enroll in the Services.
- The Customer understands that he/she can enroll in the Digital Channels Services through a self-registration option by using his/her debit card number and its PIN. Furthermore, the Customer understands that he/she can also apply to enroll in the Digital Channels Services by using his/her personal data which is recorded with the Bank for the purposes of identifying the Customer as an Account holder.
- The Customer understands that once he/she enrolls in the Digital Channels Services, he/she will be requested to set up a username and password as means of confirming that the Customer has authorized access to the Services and which the Customer will be required to provide each time he/she logins to use the Service(s).The Customer may also register his/her Account on up to three (3) Devices. In the latter case, the Customer will not be required to provide his/her username or password and can access the Services through: (i) the Digital Biometric Recognition Data stored on the relevant Device(s); or (ii) set up a PIN which will need to be inserted each time the Customer attempts to login to use the Service(s). The Customer may, at any time, de-register his/her Account from any of the registered Devices.
- The Customer is fully responsible for the security of his/her PIN, Device(s) and the Digital Biometric Recognition Data stored on same.
- The Customer understands that by enrolling in the Digital Channel Services, he/she will have direct access to all Inquiry Transactions and Financial Transactions. In order to complete a Financial Transaction and/or effect a change to his/her personal data, the Customer will need to insert a One-Time Password (“OTP”) which the Customer will receive on his/her mobile number and/or email address which is/are registered with the Bank. The OTP will need to be inserted correctly as to enable the Customer to complete the said Financial Transaction and/or effect the said change, as the case may be.
- In trying to access the Services, if the Customer enters his/her password or PIN incorrectly, or in case that the Digital Biometric Recognition Data is not recognized or is inaccurate on three consecutive occasions, access to the Service will be temporarily blocked until such time that the Customer resets the password using the options available for doing so.
- In case that the Customer suspects that his/her Digital Channels Services login credentials have become known to any other person, he/she shall immediately inform the Bank via the Services or by contacting the Bank’s customer care center. In such case, the Customer shall be held liable for any and all Transactions which are effected using his/her her credentials. It is the Customer’s obligation to change his/her password immediately as to prevent any unauthorized access to the relevant Service. The Customer can change the said password via the Services. The Bank shall bear no liability in connection with any person’s unauthorized access to the Service, whether such access is obtained by using the Customer’s credentials or otherwise. The Customer agrees and undertakes to defend and hold the Bank, its affiliates, employees, shareholders and directors harmless against any loss and/or damage which be incurred by any of such parties as a result of the same.
- The Customer understands that in order to effect a Transfer, the Customer must enter, among other things, the account number and/or IBAN number, as the case may be, to which he/she wishes to make the Transfer. The Customer understands that Transfers will be effected so far as the accounts to which the Customer seeks to make a Transfer are not accounts whose Beneficiaries refuse to accept third party deposits and/or money Transfers, or in relation to Internal Transfers, any other means that the Bank introduces for its Customers by which Transfers can be effected. It is understood that the Transfer shall be considered as correct and legally valid upon the successful completion of same.
- For the card-less Transactions, the Customer will need to enter the details of the Beneficiary such as the Beneficiary’s full name and Jordanian national ID. The Customer understands that the Bank has set a Transaction and monthly limits for the card-less Transactions and which the Bank may change from time to time without prior notice to the Customer.
- It is understood that should the Customer and the Beneficiary be enrolled in the Services, the Customer can effect Transfers via the Services to the Beneficiary using the Beneficiary’s mobile number or email address.
- The Customer acknowledges that Internal Transfers are completed instantly on the day and time specified by the Customer, whereas External Transfers are completed within three (3) business days from the time the Customer effects same correctly.
- Upon effecting a Transfer, the Bank has the right to debit the fees resulting from the Transfer from any of the Customer’s Accounts. The Bank also has the right to over-draft any of the Customer’s Accounts should the Transfer result in the Customer having insufficient funds in his/her relevant Account.
- While conducting Transfers in different currencies, the Customer acknowledges that the Bank has the right to deduct further amounts resulting from exchange rates and markup fees from the Customer’s Accounts.
- The Customer acknowledges that he/she can initiate an order via the Digital Channel Services to perform a card-less Transaction whether to his/her benefit as to have access to the ATM services or to allow a beneficiary to withdraw a specified amount from the Customer’s Account through the ATM using a specific PIN code and/or OTP (where applicable) and within the monthly limit applicable to the number of card–less Transactions and the limit on the amount of each Transaction, as the case may be.
- The Customer can report a lost or stolen card using the appropriate notification tools available through the Services. Following such submission, any card which is reported as lost or stolen will be cancelled and the Customer must submit a request for obtaining a new one.
- The Customer acknowledges that he/she can activate and deactivate any card through the Services.
- CliQ Service: this section applies in respect of the instant payment service “CliQ” which is provided and operated by JoPACC and which will be enabled via the Services. In this section, the following terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them:
- Alias: means the alias which the Customer chooses to identify themselves with on CliQ and which other users of CliQ can use to effect Transfers to the Customer associated with the said alias. The alias may only consist of: (i) a mobile number; or (ii) email address; or (iii) an alphanumeric (nickname).
- CliQ: the instant payment service operated by JoPACC.
- Default CliQ Account: means a Registered Account which the Customer must select as a default account for each Alias to receive all incoming Transfers effected via CliQ using the said Alias and which can be changed from to time.
- JoPACC: Jordan Payments & Clearing Company being the operator of CliQ service.
- Other Account: means a bank account that is held at another local bank in Jordan other than the Bank.
- QR Code: means the Quick Response Code associated with the CliQ.
- Qualified Account: means an Account and/or Other Account (as the latter term is defined above) which qualifies for registration on the CliQ service based on JoPACC requirements and which you can add to your CliQ account.
- Registered Account: a Qualified Account which is registered on CliQ.
- User: means a user of CliQ.
- 19.1 CliQ account
- 19.1.1 The Service allows you to make and receive instant Transfers.
- 19.1.2 To use CliQ, you will need to complete two steps: 1) the “Add Customer” step, in order for you to be added as a Customer onto CliQ, and 2) the “Add Account” step, in order for your Qualified Account(s) to be added onto CliQ. You may complete the “Add Alias” step in order for you to assign the said Alias to one or more of your Registered Account(s) and facilitate your use of CliQ.
- 19.1.3 To facilitate your registration as a User, the Bank will complete the “Add Customer” and “Add Account” steps on your behalf. To do so, the Bank would need to share certain data with JoPACC. Such data includes but is not limited to: (i) your personal information, such as your full four-part name in both in Arabic and English, date of birth, gender and other identification information which may be known to the Bank about you; and (ii) the IBAN/Account number(s) of all the Qualified Account(s) which you personally hold at the Bank (“Data”). By accepting these T&Cs, you hereby irrevocably grant the Bank permission and unfettered authorization to share the said Data with JoPACC on your behalf and you undertake to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the Bank, its affiliates, employees, shareholders and directors against any loss and/or damage which you may sustain as a result of the said disclosure of your Data, or as a result of any use and/or misuse of the Data by JoPACC or any other party.
- 19.1.4 After the Bank shares your Data with JoPACC, as mentioned in 1.3 above, you may also choose to create an Alias which may, in addition to your IBAN and/or Account number that is/are associated with your Registered Account(s), be used to receive Transfers. The registered Alias may be associated with one or more of your Registered Accounts. You may create more than one Alias for your Registered Accounts. You will need to choose one Default CliQ Account for each Alias and you can change your Default CliQ Account at any time.
- 19.1.5 You may also change or update your Alias and/or create a new one at any time. Any actions you make or are made by the Bank in relation to your Alias that is associated with a Registered Account at the Bank and/or actions related to any Registered Accounts held with the Bank, including but not limited to, changing and/or updating and/or suspending and/or deleting such Alias and/or Registered Account, with the exception of those actions relating to assigning the Default Account for the said Alias, will only be reflected on your CliQ account with the Bank. For the avoidance of doubt, such actions will not be reflected on your CliQ account that is associated with the said Alias if such account is held with a bank other than the Bank.
- 19.1.6 You understand and acknowledge that your Registered Accounts may be held with banks other than the Bank. You therefore understand and acknowledge that the Bank shall not in any manner be liable for any delay and/or failure in completing a Transfer where such delay and/or failure is not attributable it. You waive any right of recourse against the Bank in relation to any loss and/or damage which you may incur as a result of your use and/or misuse of CliQ. You agree and undertake to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the Bank, its affiliates, employees, shareholders and directors against any loss and/or damage which may be incurred by any of the said parties as a result of your use and/or misuse of CliQ.
- 19.1.7 Upon your request, the Bank may update, delete and/or suspend your Registered Account(s) held with the Bank.
- 19.1.8 The Bank may also add and/or change and/or cancel CliQ or any part thereof or any features, and/or capabilities relating to it or the software used in connection with it.
- 19.2 CliQ Transfers
- 19.2.1 Once steps (1) and (2) described above have been completed by the Bank on your behalf, you can make and receive Transfers via CliQ.
- 19.2.2 Before you effect a Transfer through CliQ, you must select the Registered Account from which you wish to make a Transfer and which will be debited accordingly. The Bank may preselect your Default CliQ Account prior to effecting a Transfer, and you may change this selection at any time prior to effecting the Transfer.
- 19.2.3 In order to make a Transfer to a Beneficiary with a Registered Account, you may use their Account number, IBAN number, or Alias to do so. In this regard, you understand that it is your responsibility to insert the correct Alias that is associated with the Beneficiary. You agree and undertake to defend, hold harmless, and indemnify the Bank, its affiliates, employees, shareholders and directors against any loss and/or damage which may be sustained as a result of any errors in effecting Transfers including but not limited to non-receipt by the intended Beneficiary of a Transfer as well as the receipt of a Transfer by an unintended Beneficiary.
- 19.2.4 You also understand and acknowledge that you may be able to submit a request via CliQ to a User requesting the said User to make a Transfer to you. In this case, the User will receive a notification about the said Transfer request from their respective bank through whichever means of notification that the said bank has adopted. The User may then accept or reject the Transfer request.
- 19.2.5 You understand and acknowledge that you may be able to scan QR Codes that are generated by CliQ in respect of an Alias to effect a Transfer to the Default CliQ Account of a Beneficiary.
- The Bank shall not be held liable for any loss or damage sustained by the Customer resulting from any incident which is beyond the Bank’s reasonable control, including but not limited to work stoppages, accidents, acts of war, terrorism, piracy, civil or military disturbances, nuclear or natural catastrophes, acts of God, interruptions, loss or malfunctions of utilities, communications or computer (software and hardware) services or network, communication failures, and/or weak transmission or reception.
- The Bank may, without giving reasons or prior notice, suspend, and/or deny or cancel the Customer’s enrollment in the Services.
- The Bank may, at any time, amend or change these Terms and Conditions. The Bank may also add and/or change and/or cancel any of the Services, features, and/or capabilities relating to any Service or the software used in connection with same.
- In case the Customer requests any of the Services, features, and/or capabilities offered through the Services (ex. Checkbook, cards, etc.), the Bank has the full right to approve or reject the request provided that the Bank notifies the Customer of the said approval/rejection in accordance with the means of notices provided herein. In case of approval, the Customer shall authorize the Bank to debit the fees from his/her account(s) to the extent necessary.
- Unless otherwise required by applicable law, the Customer agrees that the Bank can use the notification method selected by him/her as means of sending notices to the Customer pursuant to these Terms and Conditions. As such, and unless the Customer notifies the Bank of any changes relating to the notification method chosen by him/her, any notice sent by the Bank via the said notification method shall constitute sufficient and valid notice. If the Customer has chosen to receive such notices by email, the said notice will be deemed duly served by the Bank unless: (i) the Bank notifies the Customer that the notice was not sent by the Bank or on its behalf; or (ii) if the Customer has reason to believe that the said notice was not sent by the Bank or on its behalf. The Customer acknowledges that notices are considered a legal notification to him/her about Transactions effected in connection with the Customer’s Account(s) via the Services. In case the Bank sends the notice via an SMS or email or any other electronic means that the Bank may introduce in the future, the Bank shall not be under an obligation to inform the Customer of the Transaction by another written notice. Furthermore, the notice of the said Transaction to the Customer shall be considered as a final and binding notification. The Customer waives any right of objection to the above and shall not advance any claims regarding the non-receipt of the said notice, for reasons which may include but are not limited to: Customer’s device was switched off and/or disconnected and/or disabled and/or the notice or Alert was not read by him/her, or in case of emails that the notice was sent to the Customer’s wrong email address or that the email was disabled, deleted, has not been used for a long time, was delivered to “junk” folder, or in general the Customer has blocked any notification from the Bank, or the Customer has changed his/her phone number but failed to update same on the Bank’s records through any means available to effect such change.
- Customer acknowledges that he/she can amend his/her personal information and Digital Channel Services credentials as recorded with the Bank through the Services, and any future communication between the Bank and the Customer will be in accordance with the updated information.
- The Customer understands that he/she can manage his/her credit and/or debit and/or prepaid cards through the Services whereby all requests submitted through the Services are considered formal requests by the Customer. Any charges related to the submitted requests will be deducted from the Customer’s Account(s).
- If the Customer(s) holds a joint Account, then the same terms and conditions which apply to the said joint Account will be applicable with regards to the use of such Account and any Transactions effected on same via the Services. Similarly, if an Account is held by the legal guardians of a minor and/or the custody of such Accounts has not been assigned to the actual beneficiary of the said Account, despite him/her having reached the relevant legal age, then the use of such Accounts and any Transactions effected on same via the Services will be governed by the same terms and conditions which usually apply to such Accounts.
- The Customer concedes that the Bank’s entries and records are correct and shall be regarded as irrefutable and binding evidence, which may not be appealed or opposed. Furthermore, the Customer shall waive his/her right to request the Bank to undertake a “decisive oath”, and/or produce its books and accounts before any court, and/or request an accounting expert opinion on the relevant matter.
- The Customer acknowledges and confirms that he/she has read, and understood and accepted the terms and conditions as provided via the link, and has agreed to be bound to them, and any updates and/or revisions made to them from time to time at the Bank’s absolute discretion.
- It is understood that these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Jordan and any dispute which might arise between the Bank and the Customer in relation to and/or the use of same may be referred to the Courts of Central Amman (Palace of Justice) for final resolution.