Enjoy having cash at any time of the month, without having to wait for your salary to transfer.
Overdraft limit features:
- 85% Overdraft Of average salary transferred for the last 3 months after deductions of all loans and card instalments.
My Salary in Advance Conditions:
- The minimum age of the customer is 21 years and maximum age 65 years.
- The minimum Transferred Salary for the Private Sector is 400 JOD.
- The minimum Transferred Salary for the Public Sector is 140 JOD.
- The Minimum Overdraft Amount is 50 JOD and the maximum is 3000 JOD.
- A minimum length of work for the employee in the Private Sector of 6 months.
- A minimum length of work for the employee in the Public Sector of 3 months.
- Employer should be included in bank target market list.
- A minimum of 3 months for salary transfer to be consecutive and regular.
- Customer’s name must not be listed in any official blacklist.
My Salary in Advance Loan Required Documents:
- A valid national ID (Jordanians).
- An official commitment to transfer salary.
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