Insurance protection for every day, anywhere you are.
Isn’t lasting insurance protection, at work, off work, and worldwide, something we all hope for? ‘Hayati Plus’ is the choice you can trust.”
Benefit 1: Life Insurance
In the event of death (God forbid), compensation will be paid according to the face amount specified in the schedule of benefits/contract specifications.
Benefit 2: Accidental Death
If the injury results in the insured’s death within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days from the date of the accident, the specified face amount in the schedule of benefits/contract specifications will be paid to the designated beneficiaries. This amount will be reduced by any other amounts paid or payable under benefits (3) and (4) as a result of the same accident.
Benefit 3: Dismemberment, Sight, Hearing, Speech Due to Accident
When the injury leads to any of the following permanent losses to the insured within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days from the date of the accident, the company shall pay the insured the specified loss amount.
Percentage of the principal amount: 100%
Permanent total loss of both hands or both feet or sight of both eyes
Permanent total loss of one hand or one foot
Permanent total loss of one hand or one foot along with sight of one eye
Permanent total loss of hearing in both ears
Permanent total loss of speech
Percentage of the principal amount: 50%
Permanent total loss of one hand or one foot
Permanent total loss of sight in one eye
Percentage of the principal amount: 25%
Permanent total loss of both the thumb and index finger (of either hand)
In the event of more than one loss as specified in this benefit, the total payable amounts are calculated by summing the amounts for each individual loss, provided that the total does not exceed 100% of the principal amount.
Benefit 4: Permanent Total Disability Due to Accident
If the insured person becomes totally and permanently disabled as a result of an injury within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days from the date of the accident, and this disability continues for twelve (12) consecutive months and is deemed total, continuous, and permanent at the end of this period, the company will pay the basic amount, less any other amount paid under benefit (3). The face amount will be paid in a lump sum equal to 25% of the face amount specified in the contract’s Schedule of Benefits/Specifications, and the remaining balance will be paid monthly over a period of three (3) years.
Note: The above benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract.