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Credit Card Buyout Program

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Credit Card Buyout Program

Credit Card Buyout Program at 0% Interest rate for the first 6 months: 

Now you can replace your credit card from any local bank with our ahli credit card and enjoy a wide range of benefits catered to your requirements and help manage your finances.

Program Details:

Transfer your credit limit from other banks to your ahli credit card with a repayment of 0% interest rate for the first 6 months, and after an interest rate of 1.75% for the remaining balance until the amount is paid.

Program Features:

  • 0% Interest rate for the first 6 months on the transferred balance.
  • Increased Credit limit up to 100% from the transferred balance at the other bank.
  • Card free Issuance.
  • Salary transfer not required. 
  • Card cancellation for the transferred card balance is not required
  • Credit card payment deferment is available.
  • 3% transfer balance fees with a minimum of 25 JODs
  • 1% fees on the remaining balance with a minimum of 20 JODs, if the customer requests to cancel the credit card before 12 months from issuance date.

Program Conditions:

  • Minimum salary is 500 JOD.
  • Minimum credit limit 500 JOD
  • The program includes only the retail credit cards (Classic Mastercard, Gold Mastercard and World Mastercard).
  • Minimum transferred balance 100 JOD with no maximum balance.
  • Card must be issued for a minimum 6 months from the other bank.
  • Bank statement that reflects the credit limit, balance and account number is required.
  • Maximum age is 65 years
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